Thursday, 27 December 2007

Computer Interfacing Tutorial

Parallel, Serial, and Game port is a simple and inexpensive tool for building computer controlled devices and projects. The simplicity and ease of programming makes Parallel, Serial, and Game port popular in electronics hobbyist world. The Parallel, Serial, and Game port is often used in Computer controlled robots, Atmel/PIC programmers, home automation, ...etc... Here a simple tutorial on Parallel, Serial, and Game port interfacing and programming with some examples.

Everybody knows what is Parallel, Serial, and Game port, where it can be found, and for what it is being used. the primary use of Parallel, Serial, and Game port is to connect printers, mouse and joystick each to computer and is specifically designed for this purpose. Thus it is often called as printer Port for Parallel. You can see the Parallel, Serial, and Game port connector in the rear panel of your PC. It is a 25 pin female (DB25), a 9 pin male ( DB9 ), and a 15 pin famale ( DB15 ) connectoreach. On almost all the PCs only one parallel port, two serial port and one game port are present, but you can add more by buying and inserting ISA/PCI Parallel, Serial, and Game port cards.

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