The AVR 8-Bit RISC microcontroller from Atmel is a very common microcontroller. This microcontroller is one chip with EEPROM, Ram, Analog to Digital converter, a lot of digital input and output lines, timers, UART for RS 232 communication and many other things.
The best is however that a complete programming environment is available under Linux: You can program this microcontroller in C using GCC.
A lot of things have changed in the avr-libc development and the AT90S4433 microcontroller which I used in 2002 is no longer manufactured by Atmel. This is therefore an update of the March 2002 article. I will use libc-1.0.4 and the ATmega8 microcontroller.
This article shall be only an introduction and in a later series of articles we will again build interesting hardware but this time based on the ATmega8.
Many people where interested in microcontroller programming after the article which I wrote in 2002. However this first step to get the development environment up and running is the hardest. If something does not work then you have absolutely no clue where the fault is. Programmer cable wrong?? Circuit faulty? Installation incorrect? Parallelport disabled in bios? Kernel modules for ppdev compiled wrong? There can be a lot of reasons why things don't work